Fearless King

King Joffrey, now known as Jessica didn’t know how to react to his new situation. He was once the King of a very wealthy but small nation, he lived a life of luxury and when his father passed he inherited the throne. But he felt a calling and waged a series of wars that began to bankrupt his nation however the worst part was when the Amazons invaded, easily defeating his now bankrupt nation however instead of killing everyone they decided to adopt the Kingdom as their own. They took the King and paraded him down the street naked, destroying his once status as a fearless and strong leader, even forcing him to beg for his life when they plan to have him executed. The Amazon Queen then decided to cast a spell and turn Joffrey into a whore, forcing him into a maid outfit and putting cat ears on his head plus a chained leash around his neck. The Amazon Queen would then parade him around town causing his former citizens to point and laugh at him. Joffrey knew he couldn’t escape and knew there was no way even if he did he would still have his army, his own men turning on him.

This was the fate of  selfish and warring King.


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