Sabrina the Tg Witch
“OMG! I can’t believe this!” Brandon, now Brandy, cried as the pee flowed down his legs. He made a bet with a witch that if he could beat her in a game of poker she would give him her powers, however Brandy bet if the witch won he would allow her to practice some new spells on her. Well after losing she decided to practice a gender role reversal spell, however she didn’t know she couldn’t reverse the spell so she was now driving Brandon to her grandmother’s house to reverse the spell.
“Just calm down” the teenage witch said rolling her eyes, “my nan will fix this”.
However the spell was doing much more than just turning him into a girl, it was causing him to lose his bladder and was slowly numbing his mind, eventually he would be like a teenage baby, she would still be able to talk and function however she would lose control of her bladder, meaning Brandy would need diapers 24/7.
The teenage witch however had a small smile on her face, Brandon didn’t know that aside from the spell, the teenage witch did give him a small part of her power, meaning he/she would get the magic he wanted. However, the witch always wanted a petticoated, magical friend.
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